Monday, 31 December 2018

Reset 00.00

31st December 2018.

Just a few more hours left before the world rushes into the new year of 2019. There would be plans made, promises taken, resolutions built on the remnants of the previous year. And that is a novel thought; one should indulge in such wise things.

Personally, I cannot complain about things for mostly two reasons - 1. there is no point, what has been done is done, the damages and the pleasantries both are now an inseparable part of me and 2. I have been complaining for quite some time now. I was allowed to do so, but if it goes out of hands it makes life miserable and I cannot add more misery to the already nauseating miasma I have been dealing with. So, I shall at least try to avoid that.

Remembering the year 2018 would not be a huge task; very few instances have been remarkable this year and for all the wrong reasons too and reiterating them would be asinine and self-immolating, but I will make a passing comment that it was not a joyride. This year would be particularly seared in the memories for the rest of my life and I wish, it was for good reasons, happy reasons. But then again, when has it happened that I asked for something and I got it the way I wanted it? Sepulchral as it was, it could have been extremely egregious, so I think I should be thankful for the anti apotheosis that arrived. Not with a bang but with a whimper, it bids its goodbye.

I have no aversion for the year but maybe for the people responsible for the execrable end that I now face. Detriment was not on my list, but since it is there, it should not be dismissed. And I know, some of the people would argue that I should take reigns instead of blaming, I am just stating the fact that there are people who are responsible. Whether I should have seen this coming or not has been answered in other "entries", they should be seen as the raison d'etre or at least as the building components.

Was this a burr to my cognitive fabric? In certain sense, it does ask for some excoriation, but I think I should, by being a better person, rescind my lambaste and say goodbye.

Drink, eat, indulge in ribald revelry if you can, you have earned it and you deserve a good end o' the year. Because tomorrow you reset things.

