Saturday, 19 November 2016

Realism as I learnt it.

19th November, 2016.

How realism works?
The representation of life that portrays the accuracy of life,
The minute by minute reality, void of romanticism, of fallacies.
So why not a realist poem? Accurate as it goes,
explaining my true nature, the emotions I feel right now,
at the moment as you cross my mind.

Not much, emotions are hard to come by, so let it rest,
for some other day, I guess.
As you cross the depth of my cranial abyss,
Nothing do I feel in particular,
Just as you cross, so does your memories, of a gone summer and a winter.
And I imitate you suddenly, unconsciously,
A lopsided smile comes and goes.
That’s how realism works for me.


Saturday, 12 November 2016


So I wrote this rhyming poem…
Fuck it eh?, here goes –

‘I don’t feel
The urgency
The fervency
The need for chaos
of silver raindrops
of trademarked chaotic
or roughly poetic!
Don’t need
The addiction
Or the redemption
Neither the comfort,
I’m uncultured
Almost sundered.
I’m wasted
Stoned on a handful of hatred,
The sentiments are roughed out,
Wakened under the
Stationed, unfettered heart,
Relabeled, repainted,
Not red!
What I feel,
Is to end this rhyme,
Crush its spine,
As it climbed,
To its prime,
Before its time
As it defined
The need that outshine
My resigned design
To redefine
A cold and harsh wintertime!’

Fuck its bad..



12th November, 2016.

I should be completing my assignment. No seriously, I should put my entire focus on the gibberish I am going to write which will, at the end, prove nothing, yet will calculate my mental acuity. But there was much more important a work that needed my attention. Or I needed the attention, I can’t be sure, it’s vague but I’ll take it and run.

I say work don’t I? Work – sounds so important and obnoxious and heavy, obtuse even. Because maybe it was nothing on my part, maybe I just needed to use the word work to feel magnanimous? Or just because I feel that way, that this needed my attention?

The work, as I put it, was me listening. Listening to people, person, anybody is a habit I took up. So I was listening.

If you don’t know it, it the world of magic, there’s a thing called taking perspective – the magician uses this technique to ‘take’ the perspective of the audience and shows the trick. Sounds neat and easy? It’s not. Believe me, taking this perspective to see the world from the eyes of the person you’re not is just tough as hell. And it will be a false statement to make that I can do that. I can’t. That’d be ridiculous.

But the point here is to understand what the other person is seeing and connect. Or just understand. 

Understand and share the space.

So I understood. Especially when I know what exactly is going on when I can see through the illusion of words and reach the core where the pain resides I understand. Or at least I try to, most of the time it’s not easy.

You know, it is very easy to hear, hearing is involuntary- you hear the faucet leaking, the fan wheezing the clock ticking, the phone ringing and so forth. But listening needs investment. It doesn’t matter if you understand the person, if you are listening, you are invested because you need to make them feel understood. That’s how relationship works. Any relationship for that matter.  

So when the text said that someone wanted to talk, I had the choices again - to do or not to do. To invest or just leave. And mind you the word invest is by no means a small word, no! It is a commitment because at times it is not enough to care only. I know that I care about a lot or rather a very few people, but at times it wasn’t enough, it isn’t!

So while I was at it, I cannot just jump to a response, that’s chatter over the white noise of a broken radio, how poetic. Listening to my friend needed my time to process the emotion behind it because ultimately it is not my conversation. I was all ears.

And at times it is what you need to be, the ear for a quivering lip, a shoulder for shaken heart, a warm hand for sweaty palm. Because that’s your commitment, or mine at least. Because I care, I always will.

And I give out hope.

I give out hope as free bills, because I know what’s it like to be without one, to look empty on a crowded street and hope, that I’d see you.

Because that’s what listening means, to give hope that they are understood, that they are seen and not lost in the veneer or random verbose that shouts for nothing, it imitates a silent whisper that you need to listen. So just listen when someone asks. Give them hope that they are seen, loved, that they’ll live and go on.

Because someone gave me hope when I needed it. And I went ahead.

Because I care, a few times I get angry at my incompetence of not doing more than that but I try.

So I will always care, even if the world forgets you. Because that’s a promise.
