Thursday, 31 January 2019

From the diary.

18th january, 2019.

With regular practice, pretence becomes an easy craft. Well, that goes for everything in this world without saying, the point is, pretention is a very handy tool for the tricky situations one finds oneself more than often and more than necessary.

After a point, pretention leaves a big room for improvement and sometimes healing too.

I have been pretending for a while but now I think I am fine. The only cost is that I am now more disconnected and distant than before, almost for a lot of people. I however cannot judge it's merits and demerits without being biased towards a favourable outcome and that is just wrong.

In a way, everything is!


Monday, 28 January 2019

Marlboro Man

I wonder how many cigarettes will it take
to build a mound of ash,
big enough to fill the grave of multiple
corpses, it won't be easy. 

Everyone sees the packets everyday I buy,
a slender tube dangles from my blackened lips regardless of time,
the sides of my fingers are yellow
and yesterday I spat some blood. 

Everyone's a doctor now, everyone's playing 
Dr. Phil, I cannot make them understand
the unresolved points my life has seen
or for the fact that I'm not the one who dies
I haven't done that yet. 

So I steal the song from Fool's Garden,
"I wonder how I wonder why..."
making it a maxim I'd hum along,
maybe a little Phil Collins
if I am in the mood.

I drive in my matt blue car 
with a cigarette lit,
I kept the last one in the dashboard
along with her last one, with the lipstick mark which she left there before flying off
for a new life afterwards.

So I keep wondering, I wonder
how much cigarettes will I need,
before I finally make it all go
or before I finally make it.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Overt Thoughts.

So you say 
that there's still hope,
for me, for us, for you.
I can live with that.
I see the minutes trudge away, 
leaving marks and
scratches, redolent of histories 
and songs of us; the detriment
has a progression, only matched 
by my hubris of going on,
what else can I do?

I can live, as I have, and as I will,
with the relatable facts and venal
fictions, with dates I cannot forget
and words I don't want to remember,
as you say, there's still hope,
as you'd know my inane volition
has ever been a little bit confused; 
I don't know where to stop. 

Intent's tendencies are all about tomorrow
and for all we know, I still have remnants 
of you left, for my most own moments.
Because there's still hope,
not of you, not here, not mine, never anymore; but of me.

Acerbic afternoons and corroding 
evenings will be my routine
and I know things will fade, as I have
from you, but since I still can write
lambasting or loving in the livid moments,
I know, there's still hope. 

Monday, 14 January 2019


For a moment as it were,
I was a king.
Of rubbles and ruins,
of prosaic sepulchre
and of the warren lanes of
the same tenacious exaltations.
Yes, I was a king, of things and dreams,
of nightmares; but my robes were clean.

I lost my throne, my crown forfeited,
a long time ago my kingdom corroded.
As I walk the winding halls, clueless and empty I leave traces only so
I can go back.
I leave a trail of blood, my robe is dripping red everywhere I walk.

For a moment as it were,
I was a king, and I ruled.
No more, never again.
My castle fell and
my robes are not clean.